
Sample Business Contracts

China-Guangzhou-410 Dongfeng Zhong Lu Lease - Guangzhou Donghe Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. and Ji Da Information (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.

Free Customizable Lease Forms

  • Commercial Lease. Start a state-specific lease for the rental of commercial property. Specify the term and rent due, as well as whether the landlord or tenant is responsible for property taxes, insurance, and maintenance and repairs.
  • Commercial Sublease. When a tenant vacates commercial property before the lease term has expired, it may be able to rent the premises to a third party. The tenant would be the sublessor and the third party would be the sublessee. Besides preparing a sublease, both parties will want to review the provisions for assignment or subletting in the original lease agreement between the landlord and the sublessor.
  • Sublease Agreement. Tenants of residential property should prepare a sublease agreement if they are seeking to sublease a room or the entire apartment or house to a third party. All parties should review the original lease agreement to see if there are any restrictions on subletting or assigning the premises.
  • Triple Net Lease. Triple net leases are a type of commercial leases where the tenant has to pay for property taxes, insurance, utilities, and maintenance, in addition to the monthly rent.
  • Office Space Lease. When renting an office space, tenants should understand the amount of the rent and duration of the lease. Other important terms include whether the space can be subleased, which parties are responsible for maintenance, and whether any furniture and furnishings will be provided.

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Summary of Real Estate Lease Supplementary Agreement, Effective March 15, 2003, Between Guangzhou Donghe Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Ji Da Information (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


Lessor (Party A): Guangzhou Donghe Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

Lessee (party B): Ji Da Information (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


Date of Signing

February 14, 2003


Property Description

Location: Room 01, Floor 17, Jian Li Bao Building, Dongfeng Zhong Lu No. 410

Square footage: 470.78 m2 in architectural area

Type: office space


Term of Lease

Effective Period: from March 15, 2003 to March 14, 2005 (2 years)

Extension: Party A and Party B may reach the extension of the agreement only at 3 months before the expiration.


Rental Use

Office use


Rent Amount

RMB 37,662.4 Yuan per month in total.


Major Obligations of Either Party


Party A shall: responsible for the maintaining work of building;


2.shall notify Party B in writing one month in advance for the name changing of the building;


3.take reasonable measures to avoid disturbing Party B’s normal usage of the building when it rebuilds, replaces, changes and repairs the building and its appearance, ornament and style.


Party B shall: liable for the payment of rent, management fees and other fees under the terms and conditions of this contract;


2.use the apartment under the terms and conditions of this contract;


3.get valid business license and business operation license in the term of lease.


Termination Events


1.upon the expiration of the contract


2.both parties agree to terminate the contract case any party (i) does not perform, (ii) delays to perform its substantial obligations and does not perform in a reasonable period after the non-defaulting party’s urgency, or (iii) the nonperformance, delay and other breaching actions cause the performance of the other part to become unnecessary


Security deposit and other refundable or non- refundable payment


1.Deposit: RMB 101,688.48 Yuan (consisting of 2 months’ rent plus 2 months’ management fee).


2.Management fees according to the Covenant on Jian Li Bao Building Management.


3.Building tax and land-use fee (by Party A), other fees for outfitting, maintaintance, water, electricity, telephone, cleaning and insecticide (by Party B).


Dispute Resolution


The parties have agreed to present all their disputes to the court with jurisdiction.