
Sample Business Contracts

Launch Opportunity Reservation Agreement [Amendment] - Arianespace SA and CD Radio Inc.

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									   Mr. Robert Briskman
 SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT                 President, Systems Group
 MARKETING-CUSTOMER'S SERVICE          1001 22nd Street, NW
 AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS             Washington, DC  20037

									   Evry, August 30, 1996

		 Subject:  Launch Opportunity Reservation Agreement 95.5.921
				   between Arianespace and CD Radio ("The LORA")

		Dear Mr. Briskman,

		As discussed, we are pleased to revise certain terms of the LORA
		as follows:

			  - The Launch Period reserved for CD Radio under Article 1
			  of the LORA is changed to 1 May 1999 up to and including
			  30 October 1999.

			  - Notwithstanding the terms of Article 6 of the LORA, the
			  reservation for the Launch Period referred to hereabove
			  shall be valid until 31st December 1996.

			  - The above amendments to the LORA are made
			  notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5 of the LORA
			  and all other terms thereof remain unchanged.

		Could you kindly confirm your approval of the above terms by
		returning an executed copy of this letter.

		Best regards,

								 Dr. Ralph-Werner Jaeger

		  CD Radio Inc.

		  Mr. Robert D. Briskman
		  President, Systems Group