
Sample Business Contracts

South Carolina-Greenville-430 Woodruff Road Indenture of Lease [Amendment] - Woodruff Properties and OmniCall Inc.

Free Customizable Lease Forms

  • Commercial Lease. Start a state-specific lease for the rental of commercial property. Specify the term and rent due, as well as whether the landlord or tenant is responsible for property taxes, insurance, and maintenance and repairs.
  • Commercial Sublease. When a tenant vacates commercial property before the lease term has expired, it may be able to rent the premises to a third party. The tenant would be the sublessor and the third party would be the sublessee. Besides preparing a sublease, both parties will want to review the provisions for assignment or subletting in the original lease agreement between the landlord and the sublessor.
  • Sublease Agreement. Tenants of residential property should prepare a sublease agreement if they are seeking to sublease a room or the entire apartment or house to a third party. All parties should review the original lease agreement to see if there are any restrictions on subletting or assigning the premises.
  • Triple Net Lease. Triple net leases are a type of commercial leases where the tenant has to pay for property taxes, insurance, utilities, and maintenance, in addition to the monthly rent.
  • Office Space Lease. When renting an office space, tenants should understand the amount of the rent and duration of the lease. Other important terms include whether the space can be subleased, which parties are responsible for maintenance, and whether any furniture and furnishings will be provided.

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Pursuant  to  Section  15.03,  Entire Agreement, of the Indenture of Lease dated
August  1,  1998,  between  Woodruff  Properties,  Landlord,  and  OmniCall,
Incorporated,  Tenant, the parties hereby execute the following modifications to
their  agreement:

     (1)  The term of said lease shall be extended for a period of two (2) years
commencing  August  1,  2001  and  ending  July  30,  2003

     (2)  Tenant hereby agrees to pay monthly rent of $12,856.30 to the landlord
beginning  with  the  payment  period  starting  August 1, 2001 and as otherwise
specified  in  the  Indenture  of  Lease,  and

     (3)  Except  for the extension of term and new rent amount described above,
all  other  terms of the Indenture of Lease dated August 1, 1998 shall remain in
full  force  and  effect and are hereby accepted and ratified as set forth fully

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Landlord and the Tenant have respectfully signed
and  sealed  this  Amendment  to  the  Indenture  of  Lease as of the 9th day of
February,  2001

                                           WOODRUFF  PROPERTIES

                                           By: /s/ Frank Rogers
                                          Its:  Partner
-------------------                            -------------------

                                           OMNICALL  INCORPORATED

                                           By: /s/ Aloysius T. Lawn IV
                                           Its:  EVP-General Counsel