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NCR Corp.
NCR Corp. Contracts
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Loan Agreement
General Contract for Services
Promissory Note
Employment Agreement
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Sample Business Contracts from NCR Corp.
ATM Services Addendum - Cardtronics LP and NCR Corp.
(Jul 26, 2001)
Change-In-Control Agreement - NCR Corp. and Lars Nyberg
(Jan 1, 1997)
Employment Agreement - American Telephone and Telegraph Co., NCR Corp. and John L. Giering
(Sep 23, 1991)
Employment Agreement - AT&T Corp. and Robert Carpenter
(Feb 18, 1994)
Employment Agreement - AT&T Corp., NCR Corp. and Lars Nyberg
(Jun 7, 1996)
Employment Agreement - NCR Corp. and David Bearman
(Aug 5, 1998)
Employment Agreement - NCR Corp. and Eric Berg
(Jul 3, 2003)
Employment Agreement - NCR Corp. and Gerald A. Gagliardi
(Jan 15, 2001)
Employment Agreement - NCR Corp. and Hideh Takahashi
(Oct 15, 1997)
Employment Agreement - NCR Corp. and Howard Lance
(Jun 18, 2001)
Employment Agreement - NCR Corp. and John L. Giering
(Jul 1, 1998)
Employment Agreement - NCR Corp. and Lars Nyberg
(Jul 15, 1999)
Employment Agreement - NCR Corp. and Lars Nyberg
(May 9, 1997)
Employment Agreement - NCR Corp. and Mark Hurd
(Sep 6, 2002)
Employment Agreement - NCR Corp. and Mark V. Hurd
(Mar 6, 2003)
Employment Agreement - NCR Corp. and Mohsen Sohi
(Oct 18, 2000)
Employment Agreement - NCR Corp. and William Amelio
(Jun 20, 2000)
Employment Agreement [Addendum] - NCR Corp. and Lars Nyberg
(Jan 23, 2002)
Order For Services - NCR Corp. and NetBank Inc.
(Sep 17, 1998)
Purchase and Manufacturing Services Agreement - NCR Corp. and Solectron Corp.
(Apr 27, 1998)
Resignation Agreement - NCR Corp. and Lars Nyberg
(Mar 13, 2003)
Severance Agreement - NCR COrp. and Hideaki Takahashi
(Dec 17, 1998)
Severance Agreement - NCR Corp. and Howard Lance
(Sep 8, 2002)
Termination Agreement - NCR Corp. and Per-Olof Loof
(May 26, 1999)
Volume Purchase Agreement - AT&T Corp. and NCR Corp.
(Nov 20, 1996)